Engineering and clinical research at the frontiers of biofluid dynamics, e-health and systems.
Biomedical Engineering Researcher & Linux Enthusiast
I do research in Biomedical Engineering and Clinical Research Informatics. My approach is based on
combined theoretical and numerical modelling applie d to biomedical research. When implementing
computational models I prefer to use open-source tools.
- Nationality: Romanian and Italian
- City: Flero (BS), Italy
- Degree: PhD
- Email: bogdan-eneiordache@marionegri.it
- Phone: +39 035 4535390
I am Validation Reviewer for the computerzied systems developed at Mario Negri Institute.
Some FACTS about me:
source Google Scholar
source Google Scholar
source ORCID Works
Peer Reviews
source ORCID P. Reviews
Some SKILLS that I developed during my activity:
Innovative researcher with 20+ years of experience designing research projects from initial concept to final publications.
PhD, Biomedical Engineering
2013 - 2015
TU/e, Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
Dissertation title: "Haemodynamics and vascular remodeling in vascular access - Insights from numerical studies"
MSc, Mechanical Engineering
1986 - 1990
Petroleum-Gas University, Ploiesti, Romania.
MSc degree thesis: "Mechanical design of a reactor for gas oil hydrogenation"
High school, Mathematics & Physics
1980 - 1984
"Mihai Viteazul" National College, Ploiesti, Romania.
Graduated top 5%. I was member of the volleyball team "Tricolorul LMV" of the College.
Professional Experience
Senior Researcher
2000 - Present
Head of the Laboratory of Biomedical Technologies @ "Mario Negri" Institute, Clinical Research Center "Aldo e Cele Daccò" - Ranica (BG), Italy.
1996 - 1999
Bioengineering Laboratory @ "Mario Negri" Institute, Clinical Research Center "Aldo e Cele Daccò" - Ranica (BG), Italy.
Visiting Scientist
1992 - 1995
Bioengineering Laboratory @ "Mario Negri" Institute, Laboratori NegriBERGAMO - Bergamo (BG), Italy.
Mechanical Engineer
1991 - 1992
Maintenance Division @ VEGA S.A. Oil Refinery - Ploiesti, Romania.
Research Interests
My research interests are on patient-specific CFD, data management for clinical trials, development of health record applications and system administration.
Patient-specific CFD
Research area aimed at understanding the relationship between local hemodynamics and the onset of vascular disease.
Data Management
Related to clinical trials; the work consists in database design, e-CRF development, data validation and extraction.
Health-Record Apps
I am involved in the development of electronic health records in Villa Camozzi and in the past at Bergamo hospital.
System Administration
I have a strong background in system administration. I am an enthusiast of penguin's OS and open-source in general.
Data Analysis
I perform data analysis for controlled clinical studies as well as disease registries maintained at Mario Negri Institute.
Validation and change management process of the computerized systems developed at Mario Negri Institute.
+39 035 4535390
Via G.B. Camozzi, 3 Ranica (BG), Italy